Up to three years old

With effect from 1st January 2025 – £8.31 per hour up to a maximum of £64.48 per day or £289.63 per week full-time.

There is no charge for statutory holidays or the Christmas break. Other absences are charged at normal rates.

Any overtime not pre-booked may be charged at £10.00 per quarter hour or part thereof. Please ensure that your requirements are clearly stated on the application form. For children booked in for a full day, overtime will only be charged after 6pm.

Three to five years old

With effect from 1st January 2025 – £7.86 per hour up to a ***maximum of £62.88 per day or £275.24 per week full-time.

***Parents claiming the extended “free” entitlement of up to 30 hours per week for 3 & 4 year-olds will be charged for all unfunded hours with no cap on the daily rate.

There is no charge for statutory bank holidays or our Christmas Break. Other absences are charged at the normal rate.

Any overtime not pre-booked may be charged at £10.00 per quarter hour or part thereof. Please ensure that your requirements are clearly stated on the application form. For children booked in for a full day, overtime will only be charged after 6pm.


A two course lunch is available at a cost of £3.75 per day. There is a 40 pence service charge for re-heating cooked/chilled meals bought from home for over 2s.

Children staying over the lunch period must be provided with a packed lunch if Nursery lunches are not requested. Please indicate your requirements on the application form.

Grant funding for eligible three and four year-olds

The Nursery Education Grant provides funding for children from the start of the term after their third birthday. The value of the Grant is determined by the LEA each fiscal year and currently funds up to 5 × 3 hour sessions per week. Terms are of variable lengths with the dates being determined by the LEA. Funding is available for up to 38 weeks of the academic year. Fees are payable in full for half-term weeks.

***Parents claiming the extended “free” entitlement of up to 30 hours per week for 3 & 4 year-olds will be charged for all unfunded hours with no cap on the daily rate.